Welcome to Interview with a Dweller!
After much pondering, we started doing interviews in the form of Mega Mixtape Legends. For our second Spanish episode for the segment, the mysterious Chilean arranger and keyboard player known as jnWake, sat down to chat with us about his on and off involvement with the VGM scene. At the end of 2022, he started participating in Dwelling of Duels again, and he has kept a streak ever since. We talked about his motivation, which was more endearing than expected. This prompted me to try and share a fragment of the interview with the rest of the DoD community.
Albeit a bit rushed, this constituted the beginning of a series of “alts” that we’ve submitted to the competition, with the main goal of getting the voices of the participants heard. With so much incredible music being produced, it’s only fair that the community hears about the artists’ struggles and experiences.
For this entry published in July 2024, evilsonic was kind enough to provide dubbing AND a backing track in order for the alt to be legally submitted. That meant that the track needed to abide by that month’s theme and the music needed to be played by a real instrument, as per the competition rules. Fortunately for us, it was a Free Month at DoD, so evilsonic got to work on a very melancholic acoustic take on “Zelda’s Lullaby”.
Our sincere thanks to the artists involved for making this possible and helping us inaugurate a project!
DoD Entry (Entry):
Spanish Version:
For this first submission, it didn’t occur to us that the Spanish speaking audience in DoD might appreciate the untranslated version. But all subsequent entries have been submitted in two languages.
Backing Track:
Full Interview
(Spanish only)
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