Genre: Metal
Juegos Representados: Secret of Mana
Artistas: Álex Garcigregor, Andrew Thompson, Baron Von Future, Caelan Chan, Calbert Warner, Catboss., Darren Malley, Enrique Ponce, FirahFabe, Fredrik Häthén, Glitch Kibbitz, Gregory Warren Blunt, Ian Martyn, Joanne Moo, Joe Sua, Joe Zieja, John MacKay, Jorito, Justin Levine, King of Tangents, Klaymore, Lauren the Flute, Lazerwolph, Louie Aronowitz, Lucas Guimaraes, Mana Brasilis, Mattias Cross, Michael “Skitch” Schiciano, Michael Hoffmann, NyxTheShield, Peter Reid Jones, Pokérus Project, Rebecca E. Tripp, Skill Tree, Steph Nguyen, TeraCMusic, The Game Brass, The Symphonic Underground, The Three Boys, Tommy Rose, Tyler Gonelli, Wedge HD, Will Dawson, Younes Elbayad, Zachary Kirshbaum