Genre: Metal
Artistas: Anthony Nuccio, Danny Flam, Dom Palombi, Frank Klepacki, George Nowik, Ivan Hakštok, John Robert Matz, John Stacy, Michelle Dreyband, Sebastian Rodríguez Alameda, The Tiberian Sons, Val Nuccio
Juegos Representados: Tales of Phantasia
Artistas: Angry Polar Bear, darmock, DeLuxDolemite, donut, Ian Martyn, Jett Swole, Jinx, jnWake, kevan, krobonil, Luna Rabbit, minusworld, Nemo Fairlight, paradiddlesjosh, pixelseph, Roland N. Laracuente Martínez, Siolfor the Jackal, TheManPF, tibonev, Triple B Music, Unknown Pseudoartist, Viking Guitar, William Morris Jr., Zachary Chapman