Genre: De Cámara
Juegos Representados: Banjo Kazooie, Chicory: A Colorful Tale, Chrono Trigger, Contra, Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers, Hollow Knight, Okami, Pikmin, Sonic & Knuckles, Star Ocean: The Second Story, Super Mario Odyssey, Super Mario RPG, Terraria, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Juegos Representados: Okami
Artistas: 88bit, Aaron Grubb, Alessio Dicorato, Animalisa Keys, Franco Albertini, Giulio Capone, GlitchxCity, Kara Comparetto, Lucas Cooper, LucasPianoRoom, Michael Hoffmann, Moisés Nieto, Pablo Enver, Piano Game Knight, Sean R. Hanson, Sebastien Skaf, setsaile, Sir Telias, Tim Burnelis, Torby Brand