Game: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Artistas: Alejandro Espinosa, Andy Pearce, Anthony Lofton, Brian Fratto, Doug Perry, Dylan Wiest, Gregory Weaver, insaneintherainmusic, Joe Zieja, John Stacy, Jorik Bergman, Nostalvania, Sir Jordanius
Artistas: Andreas Perez Villalobos, Cualkierkosa, Dark Sness, KBT, Klaus NESio, Mauricio Ibáñez, Milton Jara, MyNewSoundtrack, Patricio Thielemann, Psycho Crusher, Sattou, Thennecan, ThePlasmas, Umbilical Cord, YZYX
Artistas: Cheryl Carr, ELMU, Flávio Teles, Grace Fiacco, Ian Martyn, Jaydon Linderman, Jonathan Shaw, Joseph Hong, Lucas Guimaraes, Neshirys, Rachel Quirion, Raven_VA, Robin Naite, SableProvidence, Sarah Belisle, Virtual Video Game Orchestra, Viviana Proietto, zmand97