Dwelling of Duels: David Wise Month
As a kid, the Donkey Kong Country trilogy was intertwined with all my experiences. The soundtrack to those games carried me across states, through different families and friendships, and it’s no exaggeration to say it changed my outlook on life. I consider DKC2 my second favorite game (and soundtrack) of all time, only behind Mega Man X.
As I grew older and started appreciating the work and people behind my favorite video game music, no other composer could compete with David Wise. I had been unknowingly listening and loving all of his work throughout my formative years. From “Battletoad in Battlemaniacs” all the way to “Diddy Kong Racing” and beyond. Even as an adult, some of the most memorable experiences derive from or relate to his music: playing “Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze” with Makoto and having fun like little kids, screaming and kicking with each life lost or moment of tension; or witnessing the live rendition of Pokerús Project‘s “Forest Interlude” cover for a concert that we helped facilitate; are some of the examples.
All of this is to give a short context of how relevant this month’s theme was to me, and how I am glad to be able to play a part (no matter how small), in paying homage to this man and his music. Thanks, DoD! For all the music, friendships and creative opportunities.
On to the reviews!
A Nightmare On Elm Street, Time Lord, Battletoads – TimeToad on Elm Street
Huh, the month started with an ad for MAGFest. Excellent product placement, and a fun idea. But it kinda left me wanting a more serious cover of the Elm Street source.
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs – Zits Had One Job
I haven’t played this game in ages, but its music certainly stood out as some of the most heavy metal tracks to ever come out of my Super Nintendo. Sources, sound quality and transitions are excellent. I suspect this was made by several people, and I really think that no one was pulling their punches. True to the sources, but with enough personality of it’s own, which tends to be uncommon in most metal covers nowadays.
Loved the solos, deviations and you totally made my night with that little Van Halen quote. “Jump” is a song that always makes me smile, since it’s one that reminds me of my late little brother and his attempts at forming a cover band when he was in high school. Thank you for such an amazing medley anon!
I’m gonna venture a guess and say, Shrednobi?
Battletoads – BattleToad
Toad lore intensifies!!! So glad to see more people expand the Toadverse to the Turbo Tunnel and beyond! This will probably go over a lot of people’s heads, specially if they don’t usually stay for the alts. But it has merits as a main, specially from the arrangement itself, excellent piano performance at the end and creative use of voice samples.
No idea who the main arranger is, but they certainly borrowed jnWake‘s concept AND beautiful piano playing.
Battletoads – It Is Wednesday My Dudes
This month was reaaaally heavy on the medleys, and while there is nothing inherently bad with that, I do prefer covers that add more personality to the sources they’re covering. This one stays on the safe side, and is well executed, but it didn’t stand out for me. Kudos on “pausing” the track, though. That was awesome to hear implemented in both Battletoads tracks.
California Games – Dick Dale’s Half-Pipe n’ BMX-Travaganza
I don’t get this track, but that’s a “me” problem. It’s a short but cool surf track, but I feel like I’m missing a lot of context from the game, title and voiced intro.
Diddy Kong Racing – Pigs in Space
This anon should cover the whole Diddy Kong Racing soundtrack, I can’t get enough of their tunes and I love the source. In fact, what’s not to love? All that FUNK in both the synths and guitar, that Wizpig quote and those solos! This is definitely one of my personal highlights of the month.
This is the work of the racing synth man, Tuck “Biggoron” with a pit stop courtesy of Ian Cowell.
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest – A Kong of Ice & Fire
This was a conflicting entry for us, since we’re not fans of dubstep. It’s masterfully produced as far as I can tell, and it goes to some extremely interesting places. What starts as a beautiful ambient track turns into a chaotic and cinematic piece straight out of Aliens month. Unsettling and crazy stuff, that really seems to be trying to tell a story (nice title by the way). Tasteful orchestral samples, and all the drum sections really get your blood pumping. I do think this could have been a tad shorter, the bit at the 4 minute mark didn’t really add much, in my opinion. But once we get into Hot Head Bop, it shifts to ambient lo-fi and I’m hooked again. I did enjoy the voice and monkey samples, but I can’t say the same for Makoto.
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest – Detox Tower
I have to admit that it took a second listen for this entry to grow on me. At first, the mellow lyrics and bouncy pop punk style clashed with my expectations for this source, which is one of the darkest in the game. However, that’s what makes VGM covers interesting, the way artists turn a track on its head in order to offer us a completely different take. This anon’s specialty is precisely that, a variety of styles and genres. However there is room for improvement here, specially the mix for the drums and voice are not the best they can be, in my amateurish opinion.
Arrangement and voice by TheManPF, with bass by his buddy Zachary Chapman.
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest – Dixie’s Trixie Mix Tape
My favorite DKC2 track of the month, proves that a straight metal medley can still be interesting. It adds some flair and improvisation to the original sources, and sounds really well produced an executed to me, with some lovely transitions to boot. Loved the variety of instrument choices and samples that really take the pirate theme above and beyond, and man, those drums did a great job with each and every one of the sources! Much like the Battlemaniacs medley, this is a proper love letter to the whole soundtrack, and covers as much ground as possible without sounding rushed. Each source gets its time to shine, and that is precisely what I look for in a medley. Way to land that ending! Dixie Kong rules.
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest – DK DrumNBaris
I actually liked this quite a bit, but the competition was fierce this month! Amazing brass performance, and a very interesting arrangement. Making it all wind instruments plus percussion was a very interesting choice, and it’s amazing how they manage to make the arrangement sound so complete, as if guitar and bass were unnecessary for a proper rock arrangement of the sources. The percussion is notable in the Hot Head Bop and Crocodile Cacophony segments specifically, but it could be a bit louder or prominent in my opinion.
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest – Enchantey Snakey
This started off as an endearing acoustic piece, but quickly turns into a bluegrass party. Loved the playful arrangement, excellent performance, and the variety of string instruments used! If this anon is who I think, their specialty is excelling at several of these instruments, but it never ceases to amaze me.
I’m guessing this is the solo work of Shea’s Violin.
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest – FUNKY FRESH
This damn entry, hahaha. Probably the best produced shitpost I’ve heard this year. Just for the lyrics, this deserves a medal, but anon’s were not pulling any punches with the arrangement and performance. This sounds like the Beastie Boys, if their music (and not just their lyrics) had been any good. The saxy quotes, the references, the love. You banana hoarders, you sneaky kongs, take your damn platinum.
We obviously have Joe Newman in sax, but I have no idea who rapped for this. Another guess is that ErichWK was involved in the arrangement, but I’m not certain.
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest – I’m Not Alone
This sounded like a Peter Gabriel tribute to me, but others mentioned it was probably Phill Collins. I hope anon can clear that up. In any case, this is one of several entries that incorporated clear reference from mainstream music, and it’s something I always commend! We need to show them normies some VGM without them realizing, haha! Couldn’t have picked a more appropriate source for that 80’s vibe, wonderful homage!
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest – Monkey Tits With Icy Hard Nipples
So much Snow-bound goodness this month! Ignore the title (or don’t?), you’re in for a treat with this beautiful rendition. This is the type of source that goes so well with anon’s style, they really are pulling at out heartstrings with that harp! As always, wonderful job, I love the reverb and emotional performance. Can’t wait for the 10 hour video.
Anon found out about “Monkey Tits” recently, and probably decided to rename their track. I wonder what the original title was.
Harpsibored, nuff said.
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest – Sunday in the Park with Dave
Anon’s piano playing is so full of emotion! The arrangement is out of this world, I love that anon’s own flair shines through from the get go. This isn’t just melancholic, as Stickerbush tends to be. There’s also a sense of dread or intensity that I can’t help to shake off. Way to tackle an overdone source in a new and very interesting way.
If I’m correct and this is Endlessrepeat, I send all my best wishes their way.
Donkey Kong Country 2 – Bayou of the Mind’s Eye
When I tagged anon on Discord, saying that I hoped someone followed their example of mashing up DKC tunes with mainstream music, I never imagined they’d deliver the ska sequel to his original cover. It combines Thomas Dolby‘s “Valley of the Mind’s Eye” with Bayou Boogie, and it’s fitting as hell. I would have to say this version has better production values than their previous attempt, and the ska rhythm is a welcome addition. Thank you for this anon! I wished more people would dare cover this source.
Ian Martyn did this one, probably solo. That’s definitely his voice.
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble! (GBA) – A Long Walk Off a Short Dock
This month was all about the more experimental tracks for Makoto (as reflected in her top picks), and I have to agree this one is excellent. Perhaps the buildup is a tad long, and the track could have easily been a couple of minutes shorter. But I love all the sound design choices and the arrangement in general. The garbled voice samples are a nice touch, and the guitars in the second and more upbeat half are amazing. Volume levels seem a bit off to me in some parts, but overall, I commend anon’s creativity.
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze – 20,000 Bananas Under the Sea
My boy anon delivered my favorite Tropical Freeze entry of the month, tackling some really beautiful sources and adding his traditional proggy style to it. I knew anon was one of the most passionate TF enjoyers, and I’m so glad we finally get to hear him cover this game. Equal parts melancholic and intense, this might be a less ambitious entry, but I love the arrangement, effects and samples. Bonus points for using Irate Eight as a pretext to give us the only Lockjaw Saga representation of the month.
jnWake delivers!
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze – Funky Waters
Wise‘s updated use of Aquatic Ambiance for most of the underwater segments in Tropical Freeze is absolutely superb. I’m so glad a couple of anons were privy to that fact. In this particular case, anon went for a mellow and faithful take, with a beautiful flute rendition. However, I would have loved to hear more variations in the arrangement, and more real instruments. The backing track is perhaps the part that prevented me from giving it a “transcendent” award (see awards below).
I’m gonna venture guessing this is newcomer Xander Plute.
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze – Grass level
This is probably one of the hidden gems in the Tropical Freeze soundtrack. I loved how most people in the LP were surprised when the chorus kicks in, but we saw the vocals coming a mile away, haha. Some heavy “Circle of Life” vives (already present in the source), with anon’s added prog metal approach. This is definitely one of my favorite arrangements from them, and it gave Makoto a headache when picking her awards. She loves the source (from having played through that level herself), and loved the first half of the track… but as soon as the unhinged monkey voices (which I suspect are a mix of anon’s voice and samples) kick in, it was all over for her. Still she persevered and recognized that this is a track worth highlighting.
This is probably not Extrinzic, since he has no time for this, right?
Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong’s Quest – Donkey Honk
Apparently, someone invited the 8-Bit Big Band to DoD. This track’s production values goes above and beyond, probably involved several people, if not a full big band. The arrangement is a medley that in fact feels cohesive and inventive, intertwining sources from both games several times. This is obviously getting one of the top spots in the rankings, but I will dare providing some constructive criticism: the volume of the track is way down, and I have to crank it up in order to fully appreciate the details. And I guess it is to be expected since the brass gets pretty intense in the second half, but I wonder is there is another way to equalize it. I honestly wouldn’t know for sure.
If anything, I’m surprised all the effort and talent involved came together for a monthly competition.
This is most likely John Stacy & collaborators.
Donkey Kong Country, Wizards & Warriors – Once upon a time, a mighty warrio…… Oh wait, a caravan is coming!!!
I didn’t need to know the Wizards & Warriors source to enjoy this piece. Impecable Manouche-style performance, as expected of anon. The joy and love that anon has for the sources they cover is simply contagious. The first part is extremely melancholic, and at odds with the party that ensues after the one minute mark. Also, I think I could have done without the samples here, and the ending is a bit abrupt, but I’ve come to expect these quirks from anon. Loved it!
This is the unmistakable work of Hydrasphere.
Donkey Kong Country – Fish and Chips
It was quite a surprise to hear an almost full chiptune entry in DoD. Guitar is obviously live, and probably synths in some capacity. Besides, if anyone played a live Game Boy for the chiptune parts, you wouldn’t see me complaining. It’s awesome to hear this style in DoD, and I think the mix with rock instruments is great.
Donkey Kong Country – I want to go home
Don’t go home anon please, give us more like this. You couldn’t have picked a more appropriate source for such a melancholic vocal piece, that also sounds to me like it’s paying tribute to 80’s pop music. I can’t quite pick a specific singer or song, if I had to predict the influences. The singing is superb and I like the synths and effects. However, I can’t quite tell if certain things are intentional or not, specifically the drums sounded at odds with the rest of the piece at times. But that’s a just my perception.
Donkey Kong Country – Kilo Oscar November Golf
The jokes and references go completely over my head, and I wasn’t able to enjoy this one. It sounds intentional, so I won’t criticise the performance or quality, but I think this is alt material.
Donkey Kong Country – Singes Mouillés
Aquatic Ambience as metal and djent has been done before, and I gotta say it’s not often my cup of tea. The decision to have the vocals sound as if they were far off in the distance is interesting.
Donkey Kong Country – The Number of King K. Rool
I got the reference and homage to Iron Maiden, but this is also one of those sources that’s been done to death in this style. I don’t think this adds much to the table, but it’s a good idea for a mashup.
Marble Madness – Marble DamnNES
This is unhinged in it’s experimentation and probably required a lot of skill. Apparently, the source was not composed by Wise, it was just ported by him. But disregarding anon’s oversight, this is one that we very much enjoyed. After a straightforward cover, it starts going crazy near the two minute mark and we love that shit, haha. And the surprise drums in the final segment are just the cherry on top. This got anon a spot on Makoto‘s top picks.
Star Fox Adventures – Moonlit Mines
I’m not familiar with this game or the soundtrack, but the composition immediately sounds like Wise to me. This is one of the few truly relaxing tracks of the month and I really enjoyed it.
This must be Valence‘s work.
Star Fox Adventures – Welcome to Thorntail Hollow
This entry is pushing the limit of what I can tolerate in “longies”, which is the common term in DoD for longer tracks. As it has already been discussed, the format doesn’t lend itself well to extremely long tracks, specially when the amount of entries seems to be on rise. However, it’s an excellent atmospheric piece, really professional sounding and quite enjoyable. I doubt the original sounds as good as this, and I’m guessing this was probably a collaborative effort.
I’m gonna go with Emunator and other OCR people.
Wizards & Warriors, Donkey Kong Country, Time Lord, Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest – The Time Wizard of Kongo Jungle, or: How I Learned To Stop Compressing and Scoop The Mids
Thank you from the only proper cover of Forest Interlude, anon. I really liked your entry, but I think it would fared better for me if it had tackled less sources, or if they had interacted more with each other in the arrangement. Stickerbush and Forest Interlude do intersect for a bit at the end, and I really enjoyed that.
However, I gotta say… you’re knocking it out of the park in terms of production. If this is who I think it is, it really shows that you are benefitting from your participation in DoD. I’ve liked your music for years, and nothing sounded wrong to my untrained ears, but somehow, this sounds even better. Loved it to bits!
This is surely Gregorio Franco, that “dark synth” style is unmistakable.
Wizards & Warriors – This Ain’t Your Dracula’s Castle
I am so sorry I didn’t have an award for you, anon. But don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed your entry. Shame on me for not finding it a proper spot on the list, but it’s a really surprising entry for this month. Didn’t know Wise had worked in a Castlevania soundtrack, haha! I really should get acquainted with this game’s music. Really atmospheric and neoclassical. Loved the guitar solos, organ and sound design. Really amazing stuff!
Wizards & Warriors – Wizards? In MY Warriors?! It’s more likely than you think
I loved the piano introduction, and the track in general is enjoyable. The drums are the only thing holding it back, imo. Also makes me wish I was more familiar with the source material.
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair, Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest, Slalom – Capital Causeway (Museum)
This anon carried the burden of doing the only entry from an extremely underrated game (which I happen to love). It never occurred to me that Capital Causeway would go so well with Swanky’s Swing! Including DKC2’s credits was also a nice. Some transitions seem abrupt, as well as the ending. But it’s just such a lovable track, and I think that it just needs a bit of improvement in terms of arrangement and performance.
As it’s now tradition, these are our awards. Some recurring, some new, and still falling short of highlighting all the amazing entries of the month.

Ms. Mega Mixtape’s Awards
Makoto usually prefers jazzy, dark or gloomy picks. But this month we had a notable outlier.
- A Long Walk Off a Short Dock (DKC3 GBA)
- Marble DamnNES (Marble Madness)
- Grass level (DKC:TP)

Mr. Mega Mixtape’s Awards
Based solely on personal preference, which this time favored interesting arrangements of sources I prefer.
- Zits Had One Job (Battletoads in Battlemaniacs)
- 20,000 Bananas Under the Sea (DKC: TP)
- Pigs in Space (DKR)
“Krazy Kremland” Awards
Doing Wise‘s best work justice, these were our favorite DKC2 medleys.
- Dixie’s Trixie Mix Tape (DKC2)
- The Time Wizard of Kongo Jungle (Wizards & Warriors, DKC, Time Lord, DKC2)
- A Kong of Fire and Ice (DKC2)
“Anon Tasked With Arranging Animal Themes Creates Transcendent Music” Awards
Truly beautiful pieces, about mundane things like monkeys, nipples and a guy called Dave.
- Monkey Tits With Icey Hard Nipples (DKC2)
- Sunday in the Park with Dave (DKC2)
- Moonlit Month (Star Fox Adventures)
“Toma Chango tu Banana” Awards
Anon, you’re probably getting a medal. These awards mean nothing to you.
- Donkey Honk (DKC1, DKC2)
- Welcome to Thorntail Hollow (Star Fox Adventures)
“I Can’t Believe It’s Video Game Music” Awards
Have your family or friends listen to this, they will never guess it’s VGM.
- I want to go home (DKC)
- I’m Not Alone (DKC2)
- Bayou of the Mind’s Eye (DKC2)
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